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The EU has criticised the glacial pace of UN negotiations on a global deal to combat climate change due to be signed in Paris this year, in a sign of the growing unease among some countries about the eventual outcome of the agreement.



Time is of the essence here,” said Ilze Pruse, a senior EU delegate, as a week of talks ended in Geneva where representatives from more than 190 nations produced an official negotiating text for the Paris pact, due to be signed in December.

190多个国家的代表在日内瓦举行了为期一周的会谈,会上产生了巴黎气候协议的正式谈判文本。“时间已经十分紧迫,”欧盟高级代表伊尔泽•普鲁谢(Ilze Pruse)在会后说。

The draft document ballooned from fewer than 40 pages to 86 pages during the week and is full of what Ms Pruse said were repetitive options that could have been easily trimmed before envoys knuckle down to the far harder task of deciding what may actually stay in the agreement at their next scheduled negotiating session in Bonn in June.


The Paris deal, if agreed, will be the first in more than 20 years of UN climate negotiations to require all countries, rich and poor, to do something to stem the rising greenhouse gas emissions that scientists say are warming the atmosphere, raising sea levels and fomenting more ferocious weather.


It would effectively replace the 1997 Kyoto protocol, an international climate treaty that requires wealthy countries to cut their emissions but not nations then classed as developing, such as China, which is now the world’s biggest carbon polluter.


While the Geneva meeting was only supposed to come up with an official negotiating text for the Paris pact, informal talks during the week revealed that a vast array of differences remain between countries over what the final agreement should look like.


“There remain deep and longstanding divisions on key issues,” said Alden Meyer of the US-based Union of Concerned Scientists.

“在关键问题上还存在着各种深刻、长期以来就一直存在的分歧,”总部在美国的忧思科学家联盟(Union of Concerned Scientists)的奥尔登•迈耶(Alden Meyer)表示。

Small island states most at risk from rising sea levels are among those demanding the deal should include a firm date some time this century, perhaps as soon as 2050, for phasing out man-made emissions, the bulk of which come from burning fossil fuels such as coal, oil and gas.


Oil-rich Saudi Arabia and many other countries that do not rely as heavily on fossil fuel exports for their national income say this date is completely unrealistic and even later deadlines could be difficult.


The EU and many middle-income countries insist that whatever emissions targets are eventually pledged by countries as part of the agreement, they should be made as legally binding as possible, a position other countries are uneasy about.


Meanwhile, the question of how much responsibility which developed versus developing countries should bear — and pay — for lowering emissions hangs over the whole agreement. The US and many others say 20-year-old divisions between rich and poor nations enshrined in earlier UN agreements cannot be maintained in Paris.


With so many disagreements to be resolved, some countries are concerned that the final Paris deal may be far too weak to accomplish the emissions cuts that scientists say are necessary to ward off potentially dangerous changes in the climate.


French climate envoy, Laurence Tubiana, said this was why it was crucial for the Paris pact to produce a system of long-lasting and increasing global action on climate change.

法国气候问题特使洛朗斯•蒂比亚纳(Laurence Tubiana)称,正是出于这个原因,巴黎协议必须产生一项系统性的持久并逐步加强的全球应对气候变化行动。

“We have to embed in the agreement an upscaling spiral of more actions,” she said.


While the EU was frustrated by the slow pace of progress in Geneva, Christiana Figueres, head of the Bonn-based UN secretariat that helps manage the talks, said the week had offered an invaluable opportunity for all delegates to meet and understand each other’s positions better before they start tougher negotiations in Bonn in June.

尽管欧盟对日内瓦会谈进展缓慢感到失望,波恩帮助协调会谈的联合国秘书处的负责人克里斯蒂娜•菲格雷斯(Christiana Figueres)称,本周为所有代表提供了一次宝贵的机会,让他们6月在波恩开始更艰难的谈判前,更好地理解彼此立场。

“Of course, the downside is that in June they do have 86 pages to deal with and that is an added challenge,” she said.


Climate campaigners, who often loudly criticise UN negotiations for being too slow and out of touch with the public’s desire for greater climate action, were unusually positive about the meeting.


“Yes, the text has grown but it was always going to grow,” said Julie-Anne Richards of the Climate Action Network, adding it was much more important that countries had agreed relatively swiftly and harmoniously on what such a complicated document could look like.

“的确,文本内容是增加了,不过它总是要增加的,”气候行动网(Climate Action Network)的朱莉-安妮•理查兹称。她说,更为重要的是,各国相对快速、和谐地就这样一个看起来可能十分复杂的文本达成了一致。

Meanwhile, countries around the world are preparing to formally publish their emissions reduction targets ahead of the Paris meeting, with the EU, the US and others expected to divulge them before the end of March.
