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  打造和谐办公环境 4步建立信任文化

Here are four tips I have shared with colleagues and team members who find it difficult to trust others in the workplace.


1. Don’t allow bias to come into play.

1. 别让偏见蒙蔽了自己。

Is your lack of trust for your current boss based on something a previous boss did? Leave undeserved negative thoughts behind and allow your new boss to earn your trust from a clean slate.


2. Extend the first 'olive branch.'

2. 伸出第一条“橄榄枝”

At the beginning of relationships, each person starts at ground zero when it comes to trust. Why not be the one to make the first move? All it takes is shedding your protective guard to move past the neutral stage.


Evaluating how and when trust has been violated goes a long way to restoring it. Handling the issue in a professional, non-confrontational manner means hearing the other person’s story. Calmly listening to both sides often prevents a simple misunderstanding from becoming an intolerable situation.


3. Don’t overreact to the situation.

3. 别做出过激的反应

If it’s the first time you’ve perceived a violation of trust, giving your co-worker the benefit of the doubt may be your best response. Isn’t this how you would like to be treated? If still in doubt, run it past someone outside of the company who can offer a fresh, unbiased perspective. It’s okay -- and sometimes smart -- to let certain issues blow over.


ve in a way that commands trust from your co-workers.

4. 以一种要求信任的姿态与同事相处

If you find that mistrust is a consistent theme throughout your career, you may very well be a contributor. A solution: Always be mindful of how others may perceive your words and actions.



Closing a Deal (In a typical office somewhere in New York)

达成协议 (在纽约某处一家典型的办公室)

Bob: Well, is Trevisos going to play ball or are we going to strike out on this deal?


Pete: The latest locker talk is that our game plan is a real contender for the contract.


play ball :(baseball) play a game, (idiom) do business with

play ball在棒球中表示打一场比赛的意思,短语的意思就是和……做生意

strike out :(baseball) go out, (idiom) fail

strike out在棒球中表示三振出局,也就意味着失败了

locker talk :(general sports) talk among the players, (idiom) gossip, rumors

locker是锁东西的柜子,locker room指的就是更衣间,在通常运动中,locker talk表示运动员之间的谈话,更衣室内的谈话,于是也就有了流言、传言、小道消息的意思。gossip这个词相信看过《绯闻女孩》的朋友都很熟悉。

game plan :(American football) plan which plays to make, (idiom) plan of action

game plan在美式足球也就是橄榄球术语中表示球队比赛的策略,短语的意思是行动计划、行动方案。

Bob: Yeah, the other team has two strikes against it after they fumbled last week.


Pete: They had a great chance of scoring but I think Trevisos thought they weren't up to scratchon some of the details.


two strikes against it :(baseball) one step from going out or loosing, (idiom) close to not succeeding


fumble :(American football) lose possession of the ball, (idiom) make a serious mistake


score :(any sport) to make a point, (idiom) to succeed


not up to scratch :(horseracing) not capable of winning, (idiom) not having the right qualities


Bob: They pretty much put themselves into a no-win situation by stalling for time on the figures from Smith's and Co. If we can get to home at the next meeting I think that we should be able to take the ball and run.

鲍勃:他们从Smith's and Co.拿数字的时候太拖拉了,把自己逼到山穷水尽的地步。要是咱们能在下次开会的时候干的漂亮点,我觉得我们应该可以继续往前走了。

Pete: If our numbers are right, we should be able to call the shots from here.


no-win situation :(baseball) impossible to win, (idiom) impossible to succeed


stall for time :(American football) to delay the game, (idiom) to delay information or a decision


get to home :(baseball) score a run, (idiom) complete the desired action


take the ball and run :(American football) continue to go forward, usually a long distance, (idiom) continue in the right direction


call the shots :(basketball) to decide who shoots, (idiom) to make the decisions


Bob: We just need to jockey ourselves into position to close the deal.


Pete: Make sure that you take along your team players next week. I want to be sure that everyone is playing with a full deck and that everyone can field any question asked.


jockey ourselves into position :(horseracing) put yourself into a good position to win the race, (idiom) to move into position to succeed


team players :(general sports) players who work together with other players, (idiom) people who work together with other staff


play with a full deck :(cards) having all the necessary cards, (idiom) having the correct mental abilities, not stupid


field :(baseball) to stop a hit ball, (idiom) to handle or deal with


Bob:I'll take Shirley and Harry along. They are no second stringers, they can present the ballpark figures and then I will bring it on home.


Pete: Great, good luck with the pitch!


second stringers :(team sports) second class members of the team, (idiom) less important workers


the ballpark :(baseball) the place where the game is played, (idiom) general financial numbers

在棒球中,the ballpark表示比赛进行的地方,也就是棒球场的意思,短语的意思就是财政数据

bring it on home :(baseball) to score a run, (idiom) to finish with success


pitch :(baseball) to throw the ball to the batter, (idiom) to present the subject
