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学历和工作 Education Background and Work

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Recently, a hot news spreads in Weibo, it is said that a beautiful girl who has master degree quits her job as a website editor, she chooses to open a food shop, and she sells sleeve-fish, which makes great profit each day. When people question her decision, she says she is proud of herself and there are no high and low jobs. I appreciate her attitude, but people hold different ideas. 

学历和工作 Education Background and Work
最近,微博上流传着一则热门的新闻,据说,一个漂亮的研究生女孩辞掉了网络编辑的工作,选择了开一间食品商店,她卖鱿鱼,这给她每天带来了巨大的利润。当人们质疑她的选择时,她说她为自己感到自豪,职业不分贵贱。我欣赏她的态度,但是人们抱有不同的观点。On the one hand, as a master degree student, she should use her talent and serve for the society. Opening the food shop, the girl loses her talent, what she has learned for many years just being useless. If the students have the chance in her position, they will choose the job that has something connect with the major. Working in the food shop doesn’t need the master degree.一方面,作为一名研究生,她应该使用她的天赋,为社会服务。开食品店,女孩失去了她的天赋,她学这么多年的知识都没有用处了。如果学生有机会像她一样,他们会选择从事和专业相关的工作。从事食品店不需要研究生学历。On another hand, everyone has their own right to choose what they want to do; it is nothing with the major. There are no high and low jobs, every job has the excellent people, if they are happy, and they can choose their own work.另一方面,每个人都有自己的权利去选择他们想要做的,这和专业无关。职业不分贵贱,每个工作都有杰出的人才,如果他们开心,他们可以选择自己的工作。I appreciate the girl’s attitude towards life, though her job won’t bring her great reputation, she is happy about what she does, and that’s enough.我欣赏女孩对生活的态度,虽然她的工作无法给她带来名誉,但是她很开心,这就够了。


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