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Prince Harry's relationship with Florence Brudenell-Bruce is getting serious, with the lingerie model keen for him to join her on holiday in Ibiza. Stunning Florence, known as Flee, has hired a villa with friends on the Spanish party island and is eager for Harry to tag along. Meanwhile Flee, 25, has won the approval of Royal aides, with pals referring to the pair as a ‘dream couple’.

英国哈里王子在与新女友----内衣名模弗洛伦斯·布伦德尔·布鲁斯(Florence Brudenell-Bruce)的恋情逐渐明朗化,有消息透露,名模弗洛伦斯·布伦德尔·布鲁斯日前正式邀请哈里王子与她一同前往位于地中海西部的伊比沙岛一同度假,据悉,现年25岁的布鲁斯,是红酒商人安德鲁与法国妻子索菲亚的女儿,也是卡迪甘伯爵(Cardigan)第七代传人。 布鲁斯曾经与巴顿在2006年相恋,2008年正式分手,而26岁的哈里王子在澄清与前女友切尔西·戴维(Chelsy Davy)的关系后,与布鲁斯的恋情正式曝光。


‘Harry is busy with his Apache helicopter training but he’s always wanted to go to the island so he’s hoping to escape for a weekend to spend time with Flee and the gang there in August. He and Flee are enjoying a real summer romance,’ said a source. ‘Flee has been introduced to William and to Palace aides, which is a significant step. 'She has gone down a storm in the Royal household. Harry’s aides think she is sweet, funny and charming.’


The source added: ‘Harry’s friends have rallied round them and have done everything they can to help their relationship blossom as quietly as possible. 'When he wants to go out for a date, five or six of his closest confidants surround him and Flee as they enter a restaurant – dispersing to leave them in peace for a romantic meal-a-deux once inside. As friends go, Harry’s are as loyal as they get.’ Florence, a descendant of the seventh Earl of Cardigan, who led the Charge of the Light Brigade, is no stranger to romance in the public eye – she dated Formula 1 star Jenson Button in 2008.

消息还透露,哈里王子的朋友们“竭尽全力”保护这对恋人,使得哈里王子与布鲁斯的恋情能在不被外界所打扰的情况下“开花结果”,知情人说:“当哈里王子与布鲁斯外出约会时,总会有5到6名挚友或者闺蜜相陪伴为他们打掩护,一般护送他们进餐厅后,朋友们会自动闪开,给这对鸳鸯留足空间让他们尽可能可以享受浪漫的二人是世界。”But although Florence is smitten, Harry’s ex-girlfriend Chelsy Davy is said to be less than thrilled that he is getting serious with a girl who was in the same house as her at Stowe School in Buckinghamshire. The source said: ‘There is crossover with Chelsy and Florence’s friendship circles which can make things awkward.’
