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凯拉奈特莉 海盗女的华丽转身 Keira’s role switches

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Since her breakout role as Elizabeth Swann in Pirates of the Caribbean over a decade ago, Keira Knightley has largely stayed away from billion-dollar Hollywood blockbusters – and that’s by design.


The 30-year-old English actress was 17 when she was first cast in the Pirates series, and she went on to make two more appearances, but Knightley said it was an unhappy time that she would not repeat.


凯拉奈特莉 海盗女的华丽转身 Keira’s role switches

“I just found it all very hard,” she told The Telegraph last October. “I love eating popcorn and watching [big blockbuster films], because it’s like a ride, and it can be fantastic. But it’s secretly got that other side to it, which is: ‘Well, they’re not really acting, and it’s all about the CGI (computer-generated imagery).’ Which is completely fair enough.”


Knightley said she understands that big-budget movies are heavy on special effects and light on actors showing off their chops, but she wants something more.


The last few years have offered space for her to take risks and confront the challenge of more distinct roles, from playing the hysteria-suffering physician Sabina Spielrein in drama A Dangerous Method (2011) to squaring up to Steve Carell in the muted comedy Seeking a Friend for the End of the World (2012).


But those roles have been low-key compared to the fame that the Pirates series brought her, until her recent performance in the film The Imitation Game. Her role won her a nomination for the Best Supporting Actress Oscar award.


The historical thriller, which opened in China on July 21, follows the story of British computer scientist Alan Turing (Benedict Cumberbatch). Turing was crucial in helping the UK government decode German intelligence during World War II. He was later prosecuted for then-illegal homosexual acts.


The film is decidedly not in the same vein as the Pirates series. Knightley plays Joan Clarke, a friend of Turing, in a film those involved called profound and important. Clarke herself was a pivotal codebreaker in her own right, praised for her intellect.


“She brings a much-needed warmth, humor and Anglicized spunk to the proceedings as Joan Clarke, immediately winning over the audience’s affections when she is mistakenly pegged as a secretarial candidate while trying out for a code-breaking position,” critic Susan Wloszczyna wrote on review website .


Her Pirates character was fiery, smart, and independent, but Knightley’s new role has historical weight behind it. It seems that’s the weight Knightley has been looking for.


“For so many of us in The Imitation Game, it felt like a project we all wanted to be involved with because it felt like an important story to tell,” she told The Guardian.



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