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The Palestinian death toll passed 400 yesterday as over 60 people were killed in Gaza City as Israel extended its ground offensive in its war against Hamas, sparking the most deadly day of fighting in the besieged territory.

以色列扩大了针对哈马斯(Hamas)的地面军事行动。昨日超过60人在加沙城(Gaza City)丧生,这是近日加沙地带作战导致死亡人数最多的一天。截至昨日巴勒斯坦的死亡人数已超过400人。

Israel stepped up its attacks against the Islamic militants, targeting tunnel networks on the border and shelling the al-Shuja’iya neighbourhood in the east of Gaza City. The air and tank strikes, as well as gunfire, left many civilians, including children, dead or wounded.

以色列加强了对伊斯兰主义武装人员的攻势,重点打击边境的地道网络,并对加沙城东部的al-Shuja' iya区进行炮击。空袭、坦克袭击和炮火导致许多平民死伤,其中包括多名儿童。

Hamas fighters engaged Israeli troops with rocket propelled grenades and gunfire. Journalists reported seeing dead and wounded in the streets, some of whom could not be treated because of the intensity of the fighting. Israel agreed to a ceasefire in the afternoon to let medics treat the injured.


Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas accused Israel of carrying out a “massacre” and declared three days’ mourning.

巴勒斯坦总统马哈茂德•阿巴斯(Mahmoud Abbas)指责以色列进行“屠杀”,宣布哀悼三日。

The US urged Hamas to accept a ceasefire deal to halt what secretary of state John Kerry called an “ugly” war. Hamas had to “recognise their own responsibility”, he added.

联合国(UN)敦促哈马斯接受停火协议,停止美国国务卿约翰•克里(John Kerry)所说的“丑陋”的战争。克里补充道,哈马斯应该“认识到自己的责任”。

Israel’s military said that 13 members of its Golani infantry brigade had been killed in yesterday’s offensive, bringing the total Israeli military casualties to 18 in the nearly two-week-old war. Two civilians have been killed in attacks on Israel.

以色列军方表示,在昨日的攻势中,其戈兰尼步兵旅(Golani infantry brigade)有13名士兵阵亡,这使以军在这场近两周的战争中的阵亡人数达到18人。还有两名以色列平民在袭击中丧生。

Diplomatic efforts to end the conflict continued, with Ban Ki-moon, UN secretary-general, set to fly to Doha to hold talks with Mr Abbas and Qatari officials.

旨在终结这场冲突的外交努力仍在继续,联合国秘书长潘基文(Ban Ki-moon)将乘机前往多哈,与阿巴斯和卡塔尔的官员进行会谈。

The UN said thousands more people had fled their homes to seek refuge in schools or other shelters because of the fighting.


“We have seen another massive increase in displacement from Shuja’iya, but also in the east,” said Bob Turner, head of UNRWA’s Gaza field office. The UN said it was sheltering 70,000 displaced people at 57 schools.

联合国近东巴勒斯坦难民救济和工程处(UNRWA)加沙办公室鲍勃•特纳说:“我们看到Shuja' iya地带和东部地区的逃难人数又一次大幅上升。”联合国表示,已经将7万名难民安置在57所学校里。