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Despite what men may think "social norms" may still exist, women actually do prefer a man who isn't afraid to wear his emotions on his sleeve, a new survey has found.


According to the survey of 1,500 people by Elite Singles, 95 per cent of women say they prefer a man who is open about his emotions, while 97 per cent say they find that men crying is considered either strong, natural or healthy.

单身贵族网站(Elite Singles)对1500人进行的调查表明:95%的女性表示她们会选择表露自己情绪的男性,而97%的女性则表示,她们认为男人哭泣是一种强壮、自然、健康的表现。

Yet one in six men still believes that women don't want to see them show their emotions, despite the finding that men are more likely to cry because of love than women (13 per cent vs. 11 per cent, respectively).


"This disparity between how men imagine women perceive their behaviour, and how women actually perceive men certainly explains why many men feel they shouldn't cry or show emotion," the survey reads. "Further, among women with partners who took the survey, 81 per cent stated that they would like their partner to show more emotion."



The survey also found that 27 per of male respondents admitted to crying at least once every few months while 14 per cent said once a week. Two per cent said they cry every day, while six per cent say they never cry.


The majority of women surveyed, however (47 per cent), admitted to crying at least once a month. The most common reason both men and women cry is because of sadness, the survey reveals (58 per cent of men and 60 per cent of women). This is followed by happiness (11 per cent of men and 10 per cent of women) and pain (six per cent of men and eight per cent of women).


But one thing both genders agree on: society makes it difficult for men to open up. The results of the survey aren't surprising to relationship expert Chantal Heide of Canada's Dating Coach.


"Men have been conditioned to hide their feelings," she says. "All this leads to profoundly sad statistics - that men will suffer more depression, alcohol and drug addiction, and suicide rates than women."



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