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大学不是所有 并非大家都要上大学

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大学不是所有 并非大家都要上大学

“All officers ‘should have degrees’,” was the BBC headline. An adviser to the College of Policing, which sets standards for police training in England and Wales, said: “We are looking to have degree-level qualifications for constable and masters for superintendent.”

“所有警员都‘应拥有学位’,”英国广播公司(BBC)的新闻标题写道。负责设定英格兰及威尔士警察培训标准的警务学院(College of Policing)的一名顾问称:“我们正在酝酿要求警员拥有学位级别的学历,而警司拥有硕士学位。”

The college said that France and Spain already demanded that new-entry police officers have degrees and that inspectors have masters degrees.


The college said professions such as medicine, nursing, law and social work all required university qualifications. The high level at which police officers operated today meant UK forces needed to consider degrees too.


It is easy to understand what the college is talking about. Dealing with cross-border terrorism, cyber crime and financial fraud needs sophisticated skills. Police forces that can attract graduates will probably benefit. But the idea that every officer needs to be a graduate seems wrong-headed.


I am fortunate to have gone to university: fortunate to have had the experience and fortunate to have had the skills that get you through school and into higher education.


There are plenty of skills I do not have — skills more valuable than turning out newspaper columns. They include fixing leaking roofs, replacing car brake pads, inserting catheters and disarming knife-wielding muggers.


These require training, practice and experience. I doubt that three or four years of attending (or skipping) lectures, trying out and discarding political philosophies, socialising and partying teach you any of these. The idea that university is the pinnacle of educational achievement denigrates valuable non-academic skills. This view is particularly strong in the UK which, as a consequence, has a poor record on apprenticeships.


Although the British government has made boosting the apprenticeship system a priority, a report last month from Ofsted, the education inspection service, said that a third of the apprenticeship providers they visited offered substandard training.

虽然英国政府已将振兴学徒制度列为一项政策重点,但教育检查服务机构——教育标准局(Ofsted) 10月发布的一份报告称,他们走访的培养学徒的机构中,有三分之一提供的培训不合格。


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