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《硫磺岛上升起星条旗》 父辈的旗帜 儿子的质疑

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WASHINGTON — The identity of an American serviceman in one of the most iconic photographs of World War II, the raising of the American flag over Iwo Jima, has been called into question by his son, who wrote a best-selling book that memorialized his Father’s role.

《硫磺岛上升起星条旗》 父辈的旗帜 儿子的质疑


James Bradley, the author of “Flags of Our Fathers,” said in an interview Tuesday that he no longer believed that his father, John Bradley, a Navy corpsman, was one of the six American service members who have been long identified in the photograph.

著有《父辈的旗帜》(Flags of Our Fathers)一书的詹姆斯·布拉德利(James Bradley)在周二接受采访时表示,他现在认为他的父亲、海军医护兵约翰·布拉德利(John Bradley)并非像人们一直相信的那样,是照片中的六人之一。

Mr. Bradley described his doubts about his father’s role after the Marine Corps revealed last week that it had opened an inquiry into whether some of the six men long thought to be in the image had been misidentified. He said that his father, had participated in raising a flag on Iwo Jima on Feb. 23, 1945, but had not participated in a second flag-raising the same day, which became the famous photograph.


His father, he said, probably thought that the first flag-raising was the one that was captured in the photograph.


All of the men identified in the photograph are dead. Three of the men died fighting the Japanese on Iwo Jima. John Bradley died in 1994.


Mr. Bradley’s doubts tell a story about the fog of war, the efforts of a son to memorialize his father and the apparent willingness of the Marines to at first brush aside questions about one of their most historic moments.


The photograph was taken by Joe Rosenthal, a photographer for The Associated Press, during one of the bloodiest battles of the war. It was splashed across the front pages of newspapers throughout the country less than 48 hours after it was taken, and was an immediate source of patriotism and controversy. President Harry S. Truman used it to sell bonds to fund the war, Mr. Rosenthal brushed back accusations that it had been staged, and questions arose — and were apparently answered — about who was really in it.

二战期间最惨烈的一场战斗打响后,摄影师乔·罗森塔尔(Joe Rosenthal)为美联社(The Associated Press)拍下了这张照片。被拍下还不到48小时,它就占据了美国各地多家报纸的头版,随后立即激发了许多人的爱国主义情怀,但也引发了争议。美国总统哈里·S·杜鲁门(Harry S. Truman)用它推销债券,为战争募资;罗森塔尔驳斥了关于摆拍的指责;接下来又有人问及照片里的人到底都是谁——相关问题似乎已经得到了回答。

The photograph was also the inspiration for the Marine Corps War Memorial in Arlington, Va., a statue in which six 32-foot-tall figures are depicted in the positions captured by Mr. Rosenthal.

弗吉尼亚州阿灵顿的海军陆战队战争纪念碑(Marine Corps War Memorial)的灵感也来自这张照片。在纪念碑上的雕像中,六个32英尺(约合10米)高的人物的姿势,与罗森塔尔捕捉到的姿势一致。

Mr. Bradley said he had become convinced that his father was not in the photograph after studying evidence that was published in a 2014 article in The Omaha World-Herald. He said he had waited a year to examine the evidence in the newspaper article because he was working on a new book in Vietnam, and then became ill. He did not come forward with his belief that his father was not in the photograph, he said, because there was little interest from the news media and the Marines.

布拉德利表示,在对《奥马哈世界先驱报》(The Omaha World-Herald)2014年刊登的一篇文章中的证据进行了研究后,他开始相信自己的父亲不在照片中。他说等了一年才研究那篇文章中的证据,是因为当时正在写一本和越南有关的新书,后来又生病了。他表示,自己没有公开父亲不在照片中的观点,是因为新闻媒体和海军陆战队对此兴趣寥寥。

“It wasn’t top of mind,” Mr. Bradley said in a telephone interview. “It wasn’t a priority. I was overseas, and this past fall I was recovering from a disease I got in New Guinea that almost killed me. Now there’s interest in this, and I’m talking about it. I didn’t have the energy to carry the water all by myself.”


“Flags of Our Fathers,” first published in 2000, was on best-seller lists for nearly a year. It was later made into a movie directed by Clint Eastwood.

《父辈的旗帜》于2000年首次出版,在近一年的时间里一直稳居多个畅销书排行榜。小说后来被改编成电影,由克林特·伊斯特伍德(Clint Eastwood)执导。

“Here is the true story behind the six flag raisers and the immortal photograph that came to symbolize the power and courage of America during World War II,” reads a summary on the back of a paperback edition of the book. “In ‘Flags of Our Fathers,’ the son of one of the flag raisers captures the glory, the heartbreak, and the legacy of the six ordinary boys who came together at a crucial moment in one of history’s bloodiest battles — and lifted the heart and spirit of a nation at war.”


The Marine Corps acknowledged in a written statement that “a private organization” had approached it with new information about the photograph and that it was investigating the matter, but it would not comment on what that information was.


Marine officials said the inquiry was being led by the corps’ chief historian, and the commandant of the Marine Corps is expected to be briefed on the results of the investigation in the coming weeks. It is not clear when the Marines will release the findings to the public.


“Rosenthal’s photo captured a single moment in the 36-day battle during which more than 6,500 U.S. servicemen made the ultimate sacrifice for our nation, and it is representative of the more than 70,000 U.S. Marines, sailors, soldiers and Coast Guardsmen that took part in the battle,” said Maj. Clark Carpenter, a spokesman for the Marines. “We are humbled by the service and sacrifice of all who fought on Iwo Jima.”

“罗斯塔尔的照片所捕捉的,是那场持续了36天的战斗中的一个瞬间。在那场战斗期间,超过6500名美国军人为国捐躯。照片代表了参加那次战斗的7万多名海军陆战队将士、海军将士、陆军将士和海岸警卫队将士,”海军陆战队发言人克拉克·卡彭特少校(Maj. Clark Carpenter)说。“在硫磺岛上奋战过的所有人的付出和牺牲令我们肃然起敬。”