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分析: 稀土大战为何未打响

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This week, a trade war that was supposed to tear the world of high-tech manufacturing apart ended peacefully, quietly and with few casualties.


China announced plans that would comply with a World Trade Organisation decision from last year by removing export quotas and other restrictions on rare earth elements, the minerals used widely in the manufacture of electronics, computers and cars. It was another success for the US, which has not only chalked up impressive wins against China in the WTO’s dispute settlement process but also (by no means a given) often succeeded in getting Beijing to implement the decisions.


分析: 稀土大战为何未打响

So, a big victory for global governance? Sort of. In reality, it was the free market as much as trade rules that did for China’s attempt to corner global commerce in rare earths. Moreover, in a rather choice irony, Chinese companies employed the very tricks that they use to sidestep trade restrictions by other governments to sabotage the export quotas set by their own.


By 2010, China produced 97 per cent of the world’s basic rare earth oxide production and much of the processing business. In its submission to the WTO, Beijing laughably argued that a complex system of export restrictions it had placed on its rare earth companies since the mid-2000s was aimed at protecting the environment by controlling mining. In reality, as the WTO dispute panel swiftly twigged, it was an attempt to give its domestic electronics and other manufacturing industries a competitive advantage by ensuring a cheap captive supply of raw materials.


This is a familiar pattern among commodity-producing emerging markets trying to develop their own manufacturing industry. When first Ukraine and then Russia joined the WTO in 2008 and 2012 respectively, for example, the EU insisted they make binding pledges not to restrict raw material exports, particularly metals.


China’s policy seemed to have some success. The rocketing price of the minerals in the late 2000s disadvantaged users across the world. As Eugene Gholz at the University of Texas says, some Japanese manufacturers that use rare earths as an input did relocate to China to take advantage of cheap and reliable supply. And just to provide the non-specialist media with a nice story, in 2010 China reportedly used the threat of more export restrictions to force Japan into returning a Chinese fishing-boat captain it had arrested sailing worryingly close to disputed islands in the South China Sea.

中国的政策似乎取得了一定的成功。在本世纪最初10年后期,稀土价格的直线上升使全世界的用户陷于不利地位。正如德克萨斯大学(University of Texas)经济学家尤金•霍尔茨(Eugene Gholz)所说,一些使用稀土作为原料的日本生产商确实搬迁到了中国,以利用廉价、可靠的供应。2010年,据称中国以出台更多出口限制相威胁,迫使日本政府交还了其逮捕的一名航行至非常接近东中国海争议岛屿的中国渔船船长。这为非专业的媒体提供了极佳的报道题材。

Accordingly, the state-capitalism-here-we-come crowd concluded that the Chinese were, once again, proving themselves strategic geniuses.


But, to adapt a saying in the oil markets, the best cure for high rare earth prices is high rare earth prices. Production in Australia, Japan and Malaysia was expanded; other sources of rare earths were exploited; manufacturers rapidly found ways to economise or substitute, as it were, a less rare rare earth for a rarer one. Happily, the US government, rather than resort to retaliatory trade restrictions of its own, found a way to help this process along by funding research into diversification. The global price of the minerals fell and economic Armageddon was avoided.
