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Balance Your Breath


Experts say that slowing down your breathing can get you out of "fight or flight," which can help lower the stress hormone cortisol. According to Erin Telford, a certified breath-work healer, there is a quick exercise to help you relax. Inhale and exhale through your nose for counts of five in and out. Do this for a full minute, and you will start to feel the tension leave your body.


Give Yourself a Hug


But not just any ordinary hug-a butterfly hug! Here's how: Place your right hand on your left shoulder, and cross your left hand over to touch your right shoulder. Then, repeatedly tap one hand after another for five minutes, says Greenberg. Experts believe that bilateral stimulation-stimulation on both sides of the body-produces a physiological relaxation response, sort of like when you rock a baby to sleep.



Clear The Clutter


Chaotic environments create more stress, says Susan Biali Haas, MD, wellness expert and author of Live a Life You Love. "Taking a few minutes to clean up can automatically make you feel better," she says. The benefit of tidying is actually twofold. We already know that an organized area can elicit feelings of control. But research also shows that completing tasks with your hands can have a soothing impact on the brain. "When you engage your senses, like touch, it takes you out of your stressed-out mind and has a meditative effect," says Dr. Biali Haas. That said, the thought of tackling a large mess can be overwhelming, so start small by throwing out trash or cleaning crumbs off your desk.

环境杂乱会让你压力更大,健康专家、《过自己想要的生活》一书的作者Susan Biali Haas医学博士说道。"花时间清理干净会让你感觉更好,"她说道。收拾屋子能带来双重好处。我们知道,干净整洁会让人产生一切尽在掌握之感。但研究还表明,动手清洁还有助于舒缓大脑。"动用感官时,比如触觉,你会从紧张状态脱离,带来冥想效果,"Biali Haas医生说道。也就是说,虽然一想到收拾杂乱的环境就让你喘不过气,但可以先从小事开始嘛,比如扔垃圾、或擦干净桌上的碎屑。

Think Good Thoughts


Remember that amazing vacation you took to Turks and Caicos? How about that blissful vibe you felt on your wedding day? "When you're stressed, imagining yourself in a safe, happy place can be very helpful," says Greenberg. "Conjuring up happy memories can help you calm down from negative emotions." Having a hard time getting your mind there? Whip out your phone and scroll through photos.
