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雅思口语part2备考一直是众多考鸭们的头等难事,不敢开口,开口说不出,说不地道,相关话题的经历太少,让人抓狂。下面小编给大家带来雅思口语范文:Describe a character or personality of yours,希望对大家的口语有帮助! 


 雅思口语题目:Describe a character or personality of yours

> You should say:

> what it is;

> what this part of your personality or character is like;

> how it affects your life or work;

> and explain why you think it is good.


Most Chinese may be bashful to praise themselves, but I am an exception. I would like to share you with my positive part of personality. Actually, the character I appreciate the most in myself is being optimistic no matter how bad the situation is. This trait not only offers me the motivation and confidence to complete the task, but also gives me a hand when I facing the problems at work. For example, once our team was on the edge of deadline of an vital project, while other teammates lost faith in meeting the deadline and were pretty pessimistic about our future, I was the one who stepped out and cheered them up by leading them to walk out of the dilemma. All in all, my optimism keep my mind clear and calm, so that I could flgure out the keys to tackle the problems faster than those who are affected seriously by their negative moods. So I regard my optimism as my sunshine and source of energy. It really benefits me a lot, therefore, I would like to deliver my happiness to my friends who need to get rid of negative energy.


Still I think the most precious and helpful one among those is being kid of two successful business people -my parents, I had been taught to be communicativesince I was very little. Before I had been being a bit shy and afraid oftalking with strangers or looking directly into their eyes while we weretalking so I didn't have many friends and my parents were really worried aboutthis. When I was just 10 years old my parents started to take me to all typesof occasions and told my I should take initiative to greet to those uncles andaunts who were my parents working partners. Every time I did so, I would behighly praised and set a model for other kids, which made me happy andsatisfied. Besides I had witnessed my parents’ business successes gainedthrough their marvelous communication skills.

From then on Irealized that I had to be communicative, on one hand I would be able to usethis skill to ease the awkwardness the first time I meet someone and soonbecome friends by talking actively with them, which would bring me a lot of funin life, on the other hand since I want to be a entrepreneur in the future asmy parents, I will certainly encounter some difficulties that need to be solvedby using my communication skills when I am negotiating with my partners.

Now I have alreadyseen the good result of being communicative - I have a lot of good friends andeven strangers will soon like me after a short conversation.







不知道怎么判断的“烤鸭”,可以试着数一下你PART2回答的单词数来粗略判断一下,一般来说,native speakers 2分钟的时间,大概能说到240个单词左右,那对于“烤鸭”们来说,在回答的时候要说到200个单词左右。如果少于这个数,那说明可能你讲话太慢,如果超过了,你可能语速有偏快了点,可以稍微的缓一缓。




我们在回答的时候要注意看一下,如果是实义词,例如说music,我们可以试试能不能通过细分music的类别来使你的词汇实现多样性,例如说你可以挑music的其中一两个你比较熟悉的类别来讲,例如说opera, jazz, R&B;不过其实也不需要太担心重复实义词,即使是native speakers 也会存在重复的。你应该重点检查功能词汇,比如“I think”,同学们很容易一直重复这些词,让自己练习使用不同的词可以在词汇多样性上得到提高。

雅思口语范文:Describe a character or personality of yours


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