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pseudonym是什么意思 pseudonym的用法 pseudonym怎么读

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英 ['sjuːdənɪm]美 ['sudənɪm]

n. 笔名;假名


pseudonym是什么意思 pseudonym的用法 pseudonym怎么读


pseudonym 假名




pseudonym: [19] Pseudonym comes via French pseudonyme from Greek pseudónumon, a compound formed from pseudés ‘false’ and ónoma ‘name’. Pseudés, a derivative of the verb pseúdein ‘lie’, has given English the prolific prefix pseudo-, which in the mid 20th century yielded the noun and adjective pseud.

=> name

pseudonym (n.)

1828, in part a back-formation from pseudonymous, in part from German pseudonym and French pseudonyme (adj.), from Greek pseudonymos "having a false name, under a false name," from pseudes "false" (see pseudo-) + onyma, Aeolic dialectal variant of onoma "name" (see name (n.)).

"Possibly a dictionary word" at first [Barnhart]. Fowler calls it "a queer out-of-the-way term for an everyday thing." Properly in reference to made-up names; the name of an actual author or person of reputation affixed to a work he or she did not write is an allonym. An author's actual name affixed to his or her own work is an autonym (1867).


1. She writes under a pseudonym .


2. Eric Blair wrote under the pseudonym of George Orwell.


3. Both plays were published under the pseudonym of Philip Dayre.


4. George Eliot was the pseudonym of Mary Ann Evans.

乔治.艾略特是玛丽.安. 埃文斯的笔名.


5. Ulcer is his seventh book, all written under pseudonym Fang Zhouzi.

《溃疡》是他的第七本书, 这些书都以“方舟子”的笔名发表.


[ pseudonym 造句 ]


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