
首页 > 商务英语 > 常用商务英语口语 > 必背英文面试口语 第29期:你有实际工作经验吗? Do you have any actual work experience?

必背英文面试口语 第29期:你有实际工作经验吗? Do you have any actual work experience?

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Do you have any actual work experience?

必背英文面试口语 第29期:你有实际工作经验吗? Do you have any actual work experience?


Yes,I worked as an interpreter at international fairs.


It was exciting to deal with business people from all over the world.


I learned the importance of effective communications,especially in an intercultural setting like that.


I trust my intercultural experience and communication skills will be assets in a global corporation like yours.



What did you learn from these college work experiences?


How does your work experience relate to this job?




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