
首页 > 商务英语 > 商务英语 > 工作中,不会用英语打电话?这份实用干货指南让你专业度上升N个等级!


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那就是打电话。特别是要和老外打电话,更是让人头疼。 因此,有人宁愿写常常的邮件,也不愿意打电话,因为打电话是即时沟通方式,给人反应的时间很少,而邮件沟通就相对比较简单。 但是,有时候,有些事情又必须通过打电话才能解决。那么,工作中,打/接电话有哪些礼节呢?对于电话术语,你能熟练掌握吗?如果你还有困惑,一起来和小编学习下,如何打电话才专业性满分! 职场打电话,必须掌握的8条经验 1. 打/接电话时,首先亮明身份 如果是在办公室接电话,需要开门见山,告知对方你的身份。一般大公司都有固定的术语,所以你只需要这一段说辞就可以。 2. 铃响后,尽早接电话 要知道没人愿意漫长的等待。所以铃响之后,尽早接电话,这会让对方显得你们公司很有效率,而且让打电话来的人感觉自己很重要。 这一点很重要,很多公司对员工的培训里面甚至有严格的规定,比如铃响三声就必须接电话,突显专业性。 3. 打电话前脑子里打好腹稿 有经验的人都会在打电话前脑子里过一下要说的话,理清楚逻辑思维,预设对方可能的问题,先打好腹稿,这样打起电话会更加游刃有余。 特别是和外宾,或者领导打电话,这样可以有效防止紧张,或者被对方的思路带跑而忘词。 4. 培养专注听对方讲话的技巧 接听电话时,特别需要注意认真听别人讲话,听清楚他/她的需求和问题。 即使有时候,你知道对方可能误会你了,或者你已经知道他/她接下来要说什么了,千万记得要等人家说完,不要随便打断别人。Allow the person to get what's off his or her chest. Listening well builds rapport. 5. 准备好笔和纸,做好对话记录 手头上随时准备一支笔。记下对方的姓名,打电话来的时间和理由。 

It's best to write the information on a phone memo pad. This keeps the calls organized in one place and when it isn't for you, you can give a copy to the intended recipient.


 6. 电话达人的忠告:语气要稳定、镇定 打电话语气非常重要。 


A calm demeanor (versus agitated or excited) can go far in settling a person down.

 7. 站在对方角度思考,学会报以同情心 很多时候,对方打电话过来会怒气冲冲,或者是向你抱怨一番。 如果你能够站在对方的角度上思考问题,让对方知道你很理解TA的生气、愤怒,用一种同理心和对方交流,能非常有效能让对方冷静下来。 比如,一件事情,你以站在他的角度上给他分析问题,即使你没有真心给解决问题,别人也会觉得你是在为他着想,让对方觉得,你是理解他的。 英文里,有专门的一个术语“verbal nodding” (口头应答)就是说明这种策略的。 8. 不要过于私人化 很多人在践行上一条的时候,会掌握不好尺寸,接听电话代入过多的私人感情,但职场上,任何时候,都要注意把控好情感。 讲电话,自然也不例外。有时候,尽管你和对方已经达成了心理上的共鸣,但专业性不能丢。 比如,对方因为你们公司的产品问题打电话向你投诉,你不能和他一起吐苦水,表达对公司不满。 


Gently guide the conversation back to the issue and how you intend to resolve it, and try to ignore personal comments.

 以上是一些方向性原则。在实战中,职场打电话有一些固定的说辞,一起来看看,各种情况下,电话应该怎么打?接电话第一句怎么说? 1. Hello/Good morning/Good afternoon. [Company name], [your name] speaking, how may I help you?比如:Hello/Good morning/Good afternoon. Quick Translations, Alice speaking, how may I help you? 2. [Company name], [your name] speaking.
比如:Quick Translations, Alice speaking. 打电话如何自报家门? 1. Hello, this is [your name] from [company name].
比如:Hello, this is Neil Jenkins from ABC Travels. 2. Hi, it's [your name] from [company name].
比如:Hi, it's Neil Jenkins from ABC Travels. 如何打电话找人? 1. May I speak to [person's name]?
比如:May I (please) speak to Mr. Smith? 2. I'd like to speak to [person's name], please.
比如:I'd like to speak to Mr. Smith, please. 如果你很确定你要找谁,可以用这样的句型。 如何阐明打电话原因?一般打电话时候,开头的时候,你需要稍微阐释下,为什么你要打这通电话,这样双方能知判断下面该如何处理,是直接对话,还是需要转达等。
那么,阐释打电话原因有哪些常用句式呢? 1. I'm calling to ask  about/discuss/clarify…
例如:I'm calling to ask about your current printing promotion.
我打电话来,是想谈谈我们最近的打印机促销。 2. I just wanted to ask…
例如:I just wanted to ask if you need any more details about our plan?
我想打电话过来问下,你是否需要知道我们下个计划的具体细节? 3. Could you tell me…?
例如:Could you tell me the address of Friday's networking event?
你能告诉我周五的酒会的地址吗? 打电话开始时候少不了寒暄一下。英文里,管这个叫做small talk,那么寒暄话如何说呢? 常用寒暄语:1. Hi, [first name], how are you? 如果你记不起来具体要说什么了,或者难以开口直接请别人帮忙,可以用这样比较general的句型作为开头,做为ice breaker. 2. How are you getting on with…? 如果你能记住具体细节,想要以此拉近和对方关系,可以用这句,比如,如果你记得对方公司刚刚搬进一幢新的大楼,你可以这么说:
How are you getting on with preparations to change office buildings next month?
How to take messages? 1. I'm sorry, she/he's not here today. Can I take a message? 2. I'm afraid he/she's not available at the moment. Can I take a message? 3. I'm afraid she's in a meeting until 4 p.m.  Can I take a message? 4. Could I ask who's calling, please? 5. I'll give him/her your message as soon as he/she gets back.如果你打了个电话过去,发现要找的人不在,如何拜托接电话的人转达呢?How to leave messages? 1. Could you please take a message? Please tell her/him that…
例如:Could you please take a message? Please tell her that Cindy from accounting called about Mr. Shapiro's expense reports.
你能记一下吗?告诉她会计部的Cindy打电话来问Shapiro的费用报告事情。 2. I'd like to leave her/him a message. Please let her/him know that…例如:I'd like to leave him a message. Please let him know that tomorrow's lunch meeting is cancelled.
我想要留信告诉他,明天的午餐会取消了。  Asking when somebody will be available(询问别人什么时间有空?) 1. When is a good time to call?
什么时候打过来比较方便呢? 2. When is she/he going to be back?
他/她什么时候会回来? Asking for information(如何询问更多信息?) 1. Could I ask what company you're with?
我能问下,你在哪家公司工作呢? 2. Could you give me your mobile number, please?
你能告诉我你的手机号码吗?  Asking the other person to repeat information(如何请求别人重复一遍?)
有时候,讲电话难免听不清楚对方的话,怎么要求对方重复呢? 1. Could you spell that for me, please?
你能拼写下吗? 2. How do you spell that, please?
请问下,那个怎么拼写? 3. Let me see if I got that right.
Let me see if I got that right. Your name is Jim Green, G-R-E-E-N, and your phone number is 555-222-1111, correct? 4. Would you mind speaking up a bit? I can’t hear you very well.
您能说得大声点吗?我听不太清楚。 5. I'm sorry, I didn't catch your first name.
不好意思,我没能记下你的名字。  有时候,你确实没法回答别人相关问题,那么如何说你帮不了别人呢? 1. I'm afraid I can't give you that information.
对不起,我不能告诉你相关信息。 2. Sorry, but I'm not allowed to give details about that.
对不起,我无法告诉你细节。  电话如何结束? 1. Thank you very much for your help.
谢谢你的帮忙。 2. Thanks for calling.
谢谢你来电。 3. Thank you for your time.
谢谢你抽出宝贵时间。 (本文首发于沪江商务英语公众号,扫码关注,即可获取更多商务英语资讯。转载请“沪江商务英语”后台联系!)