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每个新人去公司报到的第一天都是一样的,所以我们要学习英语口语, 今天小编就给大家分享一下办公室英语,希望大家参考一下




修改胶带 correction tape

书立 book stand

日记簿 diary book

文件袋 expanding file

地球仪 globe

名片夹 name card holder

办公用大头针 office pin

工字针 paper fastener

切纸刀 paper cutter

美工刀 cutter


1. He is gone for the day.


当有人要找某某某,而他正好不在,这通常有两种情况。一是这位仁兄暂时离开,可能是去洗手间,可能是去复印东西。这时候我们可以告诉人家:He/She is not at his/her seat right now. 意思就是他现在不在座位上。这句话的意思是说这个人就在附近没有走远,很快就会回来。当这种情况发生时,你不妨再补充一下:He is not here, but he is around. 或是 He is not available right now, but he will be back in a few minutes.

另外一种情况就是这位仁兄早早就收工,回家陪老婆或是提早下班跟女朋友约会去了。如果是这种情 的话,我们就可以说:He is gone for the day. 言下之意就是他今天都不会再出现了。如果很不幸地,老板正好有急事要找他,而他却己经 gone for the day,想必老板的脸色不会太好看。

2. May I jump in for two pages?


大家都有过类似的经历吧?要去复印两页东西,结果排在前面的人拿了一本厚厚的书在那里狂印,天啊,看来还有二百多页,要等多久才能轮到自己啊 。这时如果你想插一下队,请他让你先印两页该怎么说?最生活化的说法就是:May I jump in for two pages? 这里用到 jump in 这个片语,意思就是"插一下队,让我先印"的意思。


1. is a beautiful day out. And here I am stuck inside the office with all this paper work。


2. How am I to know what I'm supposed to do if there's no organization around here?


company is so cheap we have to sharpen our pencils until they're down to little stubs like this。


where did my eraser go this time? Don't take things off other people's desks without asking them,O.K.?


5.I want you to stop hogging my desk space, all right?
